Version 1.1.0 - Peggle and Patterns

  • Added support for "Peggle Deluxe 1.01", consisting of computer vision readings of the BALL-O-TRON and FEVERMETER bars.
  • Added optional pattern trigger to events, with the intensity multiplier and disable delay properties. Devices will activate with a combination of the score and patterns values.
  • Playful Plugins should now remember your selected plugin between sessions.
  • Added an option to show the Overlay process on the task bar, so apps like OBS can capture it.
  • Added extra information about points: 
    • "Additive" points will be added to the score and decay overtime, opposite to "Instant" points that are only added to the score on the frame the event is detected.
    • "Proportional" points are multiplied by an internal "amount" related to the event (e.g., the percentage of a health bar that is filled).
    • Events expected to span more than 1 frame are marked with "Per Instance([duration])" or "Per Second".
  • Removed "Display" tab, options moved to the main tab.
  • Added hidden "safe detection" option (defaults to True), that only allows detection of events when the target app is focused. Can be found on the main config file.
  • Added hidden "minimum delay between updates" option (defaults to 0.1).
  • Fixed a bug that was causing device activation lag on longer sessions.

Files 82 MB
Version v1.1.0 20 days ago

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